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3.7 hrs
We Are Blades Tree Removal™
Tree removal is challenging and time consuming work. Whether that's tree trimming, full tree removal, or stump grinding, most people have better things to do on their weekend than swimming through sawdust and woodchips. We respect the self-relient individual who would rather shut their hand in a door than pay someone to cut down a tree for them, but for those projects that seem borderline out of scope, save your back and have us handle it.
Get an online quote today
Using big data and machine learning we automated the process of getting a tree removal quote. That means no more waiting around for an estimate! And it saves you money!
See MoreVeteran owned and operated
Nearly everyone who works for Blades Tree Removal is currently serving or has served in the Utah Army National Guard. We're a close knit group and we love America!
See MoreTree trimming and removal
We've done jobs that cost several thousand dollars and jobs that cost less than a hundred. Find out the cost of yours today using our online quoting tool.
See MoreDead serious
No one outworks Blades Tree Removal
Early on we learned the meaning and value of hard work. Cutting down a tree will definitely test your grit but we do our best to give every job 100%. If you ever catch us taking a smoke break we’ll give you $1000 off your quote.
Hard work isn’t as impressive as smart work. While we may not be the sharpest tack in the box we were smart enough to create our famed online quote calculator and build this website. We’re mostly just good at figuring things out… which is really what a tree removal job is all about.